We are the KEY to the home of your dreams!
Choosing whether or not to use a Property Management company is a hard decision for many real estate investors. Some wouldn’t dream of investing in real estate without a property management firm in place before closing on a respective deal. Others, however, struggle to break free of the “do-it-yourself” mindset that prevents them from accomplishing more.
As it turns out, only one thing is certain: using a property management company isn’t as obvious as we would have liked to assume. If for nothing else, the benefits of using a property management company far outweigh the negatives.
Working with BARRATOWN REAL ESTATE will give investors access to our network of professional contractors. The contacts our Property Manager already has in place will work in your favor and save on maintenance costs. Not only that, but the contractors will also come with a recommendation, which is invaluable.
It is fair to say the argument stems from the cost one must absorb to work with a property manager, however, the cost isn’t so much a negative, but rather an investment. While it does, in fact, cost money to hire a third-party manager, we can assure you it’s well worth the price. What’s more, our involvement could very easily increase the chances of growing your bottom line.
Here are some of the important tasks a good property management company will contribute to your rental portfolio.
Rental and property management contract agreement
Rent negotiations in favor
Inventories before and after the departure of each lessor.
Payment services (internet - telephone, telecable, cfe, propane, fumigator).
Payment of bondage (maid, pool attendant, gardener)
Payment of special services
General repair like: replacement of kitchen utensils, cleaning product, the replacement of menage rooms.
Payment of taxes (predial/ client will pay in – trust fees and condominium)
Supervision of painting and waterroof.
Supervision of property in general checking.
General services (water taps, outlets, cleaning, details states of furniture).
Check a maintenance inventory of supplies, equipment and furniture in the house.
Supervision of cleaning and maintenance of pool and gardens.
Each month to check and give special instructions and monitor the maid´s cleaning and order train how details have to be made.
In times of rain keep open windows and closets to prevent moisture.
Authorization request when repairs are need
Submit a request statement and payments of each month, in order to having a record of every movement / payment made by the company.
Important dates to remember for empolyees (bonus christmas).
To be present when guests arrive, checking that all services are running. the complete supply and installation of the house to be ready for immediate use.
To have an acceptable level of propane gas